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The Wisdom of Guru Sam Hadi

The ruminations of Guru Sam Hadi - a mighty oak in the forest of life - Sharing his thoughts, ideas and viewpoint he helps address the great questions that life poses and that many of us are either forced to ponder or tempted to resolve. It is hoped that this timeless wisdom and view from a sometime acerbic eye might encourage, amuse and interest the visiting pilgrim. NamasteGuru Sam Hadi

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Posture - is all it is made out to be?

Asanas - don't you just love them!

Upside down, inside out, flat on your back or even lotused till the cows come home.

Why is the West obsessed with postures? Are people just into the physical thing or do they really understand that Yoga is one tenth postures and 9 tenths being.?

You see to really understand Yoga, is to know that every little bit counts.

Mind is so important yet look at the mindsets of so called spiritual people and you see. or more appropriately, feel such an ocean of confusion, mixed up emotions and completely skewed patterns.

So many believe that if "I do yoga" I am a better person and life will change for me.

Wrong, wrong and wrong again.

What has o change are the patterns that make your life such a confusion.

Let go - Let Go - LET GO!!

Refuse to buy into the madness of conformity. Look at what you believe and ask yourself:

"Is this happening in every part of my Life?"

If not make it so. Why make parts of you an exception to your own rule.

Change can be a challenge but the rewards are limitless.

Let me know what changes are being processed in your life......

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Tuesday 25 November 2008

Sunday 4 February 2007

Ever wondered why the sky is blue?

Walked along the shoreline this afternoon and kicked sand through my sandals.

It's great to feel the freedom between the toes on days like this.

The day was a perfect one - chill in the air, sea breeze blowing across the face and a blue sky that suggested infinity and beyond.

As the seagulls broke the rich blue depths with their errant flighted shapes, noisy prattling and incessant squabbling for the tidbits that a lucky one had found, I wondered in awe about that blue sky...

Where did it stop and what was it that created this depth of azure calm?

As the sun ran its race that had been today and began to robe itself in its magnificence to herald its departure, the blue surrendered to the golden glory that stole its depths. It surrendered its journey to
the inevitable splendour of gilded wonder that spread across the ocean, demanding awe from all creatures that played even a miniscule role within these short bars of an eternal symphony that constantly continued to compose itself.

I was glad to be such an integral instrument within this wonder, and allowed its beauty to imprint itself on my being as if to say ...

Yes, I am part of this and not separate from it.
I am this golden shower, I am the blue azure that yields, I am the orb of infinite light that orchestrates the changing tempo... I am the conductor conducting, the composer composing, ..... I am that.

Catch up with Guru Sam's Posts on the Forum. Ask him questions respond to his views and pose your own

Monday 29 January 2007

It's a feeling I can't hide - inside

Ever felt that feeling inside that says:
'It's OK and all is very,very, well' ?

Ever wondered if anyone else has heard that same feeling and just not telling?

Ever wondered how in heaven's name anyone can hear a feeling?

Does it even really matter if anyone can, or anyone has.

That feeling is still there and always has been.

It's just that you caught it at precisely the right time you needed to feel it, hear it, be it.

There's a song there somewhere isn't there?

Feeling good now? I am, so why not join me....

It's a great day to feel alive.
Live it!

Catch up with
Guru Sam's Posts on the Forum. Ask him questions, respond to his views and pose your own

Sunday 28 January 2007

What do you see in front of you?

What do you see when you look around you?

How does the world look and feel to you?

What do the news bulletins tell you of how it all is?

Make you feel great or does it bring you down?

A little secret here for all you gentle souls, troubled or not...

It's exactly as you see it and exactly as you feel it...and exactly as you imagine it.

Phew! that's a relief...I thought it was just me....

You reckon that's so?

Does it make you feel great to be alive and fill you with love for all beings?

No?.... then you are in serious trouble, my friend.

But there is a solution and it's right here....within you.....

and it entails either going to the optician and getting a rose-colored pair of specs

....or changing how you see things.

If I was to tell you that what you are presently seeing is an illusion, you would find it hard to believe it let alone me.

You can touch it, feel it and even eat it, so where is the illusion?

Right there in front of you. It's the illusion that you have created. Imagine it to be something else and IT IS.

So where is the reality in that?

In your mind, your thoughts, your feelings.

As a creator you are able to create whatever reality you like.

Want it with a chocolate flake topping and strawberry?

It's yours...

Want it with sorrow, misery and jealousy...There you go it's yours!

Want it filled with love and harmony...wham! To go?'s yours.

So whose in control?

You better make it good otherwise you have only yourself to blame...

Oops! there you go - it's yours!

Now that is living in the fast lane, don't you agree?

Now tell me what you see, feel and experience......

Happy creating, lovely beings. It's your world - make it a great place to be in.

Oh! and by the way this can help's a small price to pay for contentment

It's another year and what a start!

I have been dashing around the world encouraging all to breathe and for those that don't, it has been a waste of a life, because they have discovered that in a very short time they died.

Oh well next time on the wheel of eternity. Apart from them, there are a surprising many people who just plain forget to breathe. Forget to breathe, you ask?

Yes, forget...and when they remember they wonder how it was they survived when they forgot! Luckily we all have a little divine helper by way of the autonomic system, that is... when we forget, it remembers. Wonderful, I need never remember...

True, but what you are missing are shed loads of experience that pass you by and some of those could be so revealing that they change your life, forever.

  • Find you have back ache sitting at the computer all day?

  • Feel lethargic about getting into new things?

  • Perhaps you feel life getting you down or throwing disappointments at you on a daily basis?

Look at your breathing and see how shallow it is. Look at your breathing and just watch it for a few moments as it flows in and out. Anything happen? Like feeling a little less uptight? Good...then the breath is working for you and with you.. that is conscious breathing. Tired or angry, depressed or sad? Stop what you are doing or not doing...just stop...sit and breathe Watch the breath as you take an unstrained inhale as far as it goes , then release it on the exhale without effort. Do this for 30 seconds. Feel any different? Then continue for a few minutes. So you feel better, right? Now breathe in making the inhale and exhale about equal length - whatever length that is. Continue 10 times, then make the breathe half the length on inhale and exhale.... now it's quicker, right? Do that for 5 times, in and out, then back to the 10 slower breaths. How does that feel ? If you sense a little giddiness do not worry, you are bringing your breathing into areas that have been stagnant and they are being cleansed. Not giddy? Then that is OK as well. Want to brighten up your life? Imagine you are breathing in the sun and breathing out the still waters of the lake.

Find yourself drowning in your own self created pond? Then you are an enlightened master who has manifested these images.


Keep breathing and change your world. It is a miracle of ancient science...don't miss it.

Sunday 3 December 2006

Whatever you want in life is yours for the taking!

Easy it may be to say - yet more difficult to actually achieve.

Why is that?

Because it is a dream, a goal too impossible to aim for or is it that you just don't believe in yourself enough to make it happen?

Unless you ask it cannot be given, unless you believe it cannot be manifested.

I want a few Rolls Royces - yet why be the same as some Gurus whose trip goes to their head and the overflow of excess gets them ridiculed and laughed at?

Of course, if I asked strongly enough and prayed for such things they would come but why would I want these unless my ego felt I needed them? - and I am spending enough time keeping that in place as it is.

Give me a good mountain bike any day and a pair of solid bicycle clips! - Now that is what I call Bliss

So go for what you want but remember to take the responsibility that goes with it....

"Experience is the furnace of enlightenment
Burnish your all - become nothing and from
the ashes the true Self rises and lives eternal

If all else fails.... take a long walk."

______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

Catch up with Guru Sam's Posts on the Forum. Ask him questions respond to his views and pose your own

Saturday 2 December 2006

What's in a thought?

I was thinking about thoughts this morning.

They are the most prolific things that we associate ourselves with, are they not?

When beside the ocean, sitting on the sand and gazing at the infinite sea and sky thoughts can take our mind into a universe of possibilities. We begin to feel anything is possible and that we know very little of the whole picture.

Certainly not just the one in front of us.

The sun does not even have to be shining for us to feel uplifted, warmed and at one with all the great things in life.

But then take the scene where we are sitting in our room and feel alone, desperate and have few friends around us - what of those thoughts that then come to plague us and take us down a very long and dark tunnel that seems to have no end?

Where has the hope, joy and upliftment gone?

Who stole the sense of infinity that previously was enjoyed in the other scene?

Why should it have so easily been lost, just through a thought?

Have I changed physically - apart from a bit of suntan - from the one scene to the other?

Of course not. Yet something has changed so radically that I am now miserable, full of self pity and feel maybe even that life is not worth living.

What has only changed is the thought. Yet I created that thought. I allowed it life and air. I fed it with other thoughts and immersed myself in the vision of its potential outcomes. I even believed them and willed them to become more than thoughts, through the intensity and power I imbued and intended them with - and thus set a train of actions way beyond my awareness, to have them manifest at my command.

These two outcomes are: Bliss and unalloyed happiness and misery and unexpunged depression and futility.

If this choice was set out in front of you, which one would you chose to take home and nurture?

Of course, reading it like this it becomes obvious. Yet how is it that you allow yourself to even consider the other, let alone develop it to the extent that it takes you over and brings such darkness?

To some degree or other we are all involved in this game of creation - the creation of thoughts harmful to our well being.

What we need to do is make sure that we catch as many as we can that look like taking us on the roller coaster of pain and misery and immediately grab them,contain them and change them.

In this way we also change the outcomes. Think about what outcome you would wish for from a thought that was the opposite of any negative and harmful thought. Then create the thought that takes you towards that outcome and behold you are on the way.

Example: Harmful thought - " I am miserable and alone, because no one loves me"
Changed thought - " I am alone through my own choice and happy at this moment. I can change this at any time through my own action by contacting those that care and love me"
" I remember those moments of kindness and love that others have shown me in my life and realise that I am loved by others and I feel happy and cared for."

Because we do not change, and it is only the way we think that makes us think we have changed, then by becoming master of our thoughts we become master of ourselves.

Think about it!


Welcome to my blog!

Oh, worthy ones

My name is Guru Sam and for those that already know me, I welcome you all back on the pages of the Akashic Web.

Here there will be no rubbing out of the words of wisdom that will emanate from the wise and wonderful that are spread wide upon this sacred earth.

It is my hope to share pearls of wisdom, thoughts of thoughtfulness and a basket of the most scented roses that we all can collect.

Many have found that some of my homilies have stirred a pot of hornets and thus led to my expulsion from some more staid satsang circles.

However I have to say that sometimes the bubble needs pricking to see if it is really full of hot air - and when found so to clear it up and place it in the reincarnation tin of life.

It is as always my duty to listen and learn and I am expecting a glorious response from all that visit this treasured seat of bring it on and we shall share a loving cup of wisdom together and even a lassi or two.


Guru Sam