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The Wisdom of Guru Sam Hadi

The ruminations of Guru Sam Hadi - a mighty oak in the forest of life - Sharing his thoughts, ideas and viewpoint he helps address the great questions that life poses and that many of us are either forced to ponder or tempted to resolve. It is hoped that this timeless wisdom and view from a sometime acerbic eye might encourage, amuse and interest the visiting pilgrim. NamasteGuru Sam Hadi

Saturday 2 December 2006

What's in a thought?

I was thinking about thoughts this morning.

They are the most prolific things that we associate ourselves with, are they not?

When beside the ocean, sitting on the sand and gazing at the infinite sea and sky thoughts can take our mind into a universe of possibilities. We begin to feel anything is possible and that we know very little of the whole picture.

Certainly not just the one in front of us.

The sun does not even have to be shining for us to feel uplifted, warmed and at one with all the great things in life.

But then take the scene where we are sitting in our room and feel alone, desperate and have few friends around us - what of those thoughts that then come to plague us and take us down a very long and dark tunnel that seems to have no end?

Where has the hope, joy and upliftment gone?

Who stole the sense of infinity that previously was enjoyed in the other scene?

Why should it have so easily been lost, just through a thought?

Have I changed physically - apart from a bit of suntan - from the one scene to the other?

Of course not. Yet something has changed so radically that I am now miserable, full of self pity and feel maybe even that life is not worth living.

What has only changed is the thought. Yet I created that thought. I allowed it life and air. I fed it with other thoughts and immersed myself in the vision of its potential outcomes. I even believed them and willed them to become more than thoughts, through the intensity and power I imbued and intended them with - and thus set a train of actions way beyond my awareness, to have them manifest at my command.

These two outcomes are: Bliss and unalloyed happiness and misery and unexpunged depression and futility.

If this choice was set out in front of you, which one would you chose to take home and nurture?

Of course, reading it like this it becomes obvious. Yet how is it that you allow yourself to even consider the other, let alone develop it to the extent that it takes you over and brings such darkness?

To some degree or other we are all involved in this game of creation - the creation of thoughts harmful to our well being.

What we need to do is make sure that we catch as many as we can that look like taking us on the roller coaster of pain and misery and immediately grab them,contain them and change them.

In this way we also change the outcomes. Think about what outcome you would wish for from a thought that was the opposite of any negative and harmful thought. Then create the thought that takes you towards that outcome and behold you are on the way.

Example: Harmful thought - " I am miserable and alone, because no one loves me"
Changed thought - " I am alone through my own choice and happy at this moment. I can change this at any time through my own action by contacting those that care and love me"
" I remember those moments of kindness and love that others have shown me in my life and realise that I am loved by others and I feel happy and cared for."

Because we do not change, and it is only the way we think that makes us think we have changed, then by becoming master of our thoughts we become master of ourselves.

Think about it!


Welcome to my blog!

Oh, worthy ones

My name is Guru Sam and for those that already know me, I welcome you all back on the pages of the Akashic Web.

Here there will be no rubbing out of the words of wisdom that will emanate from the wise and wonderful that are spread wide upon this sacred earth.

It is my hope to share pearls of wisdom, thoughts of thoughtfulness and a basket of the most scented roses that we all can collect.

Many have found that some of my homilies have stirred a pot of hornets and thus led to my expulsion from some more staid satsang circles.

However I have to say that sometimes the bubble needs pricking to see if it is really full of hot air - and when found so to clear it up and place it in the reincarnation tin of life.

It is as always my duty to listen and learn and I am expecting a glorious response from all that visit this treasured seat of bring it on and we shall share a loving cup of wisdom together and even a lassi or two.


Guru Sam