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The Wisdom of Guru Sam Hadi

The ruminations of Guru Sam Hadi - a mighty oak in the forest of life - Sharing his thoughts, ideas and viewpoint he helps address the great questions that life poses and that many of us are either forced to ponder or tempted to resolve. It is hoped that this timeless wisdom and view from a sometime acerbic eye might encourage, amuse and interest the visiting pilgrim. NamasteGuru Sam Hadi

Sunday 28 January 2007

What do you see in front of you?

What do you see when you look around you?

How does the world look and feel to you?

What do the news bulletins tell you of how it all is?

Make you feel great or does it bring you down?

A little secret here for all you gentle souls, troubled or not...

It's exactly as you see it and exactly as you feel it...and exactly as you imagine it.

Phew! that's a relief...I thought it was just me....

You reckon that's so?

Does it make you feel great to be alive and fill you with love for all beings?

No?.... then you are in serious trouble, my friend.

But there is a solution and it's right here....within you.....

and it entails either going to the optician and getting a rose-colored pair of specs

....or changing how you see things.

If I was to tell you that what you are presently seeing is an illusion, you would find it hard to believe it let alone me.

You can touch it, feel it and even eat it, so where is the illusion?

Right there in front of you. It's the illusion that you have created. Imagine it to be something else and IT IS.

So where is the reality in that?

In your mind, your thoughts, your feelings.

As a creator you are able to create whatever reality you like.

Want it with a chocolate flake topping and strawberry?

It's yours...

Want it with sorrow, misery and jealousy...There you go it's yours!

Want it filled with love and harmony...wham! To go?'s yours.

So whose in control?

You better make it good otherwise you have only yourself to blame...

Oops! there you go - it's yours!

Now that is living in the fast lane, don't you agree?

Now tell me what you see, feel and experience......

Happy creating, lovely beings. It's your world - make it a great place to be in.

Oh! and by the way this can help's a small price to pay for contentment


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